CONEcrete | Futuristic Architectural Design Exploration
CONEcrete | Futuristic Architectural Design Exploration
  Team Members: Haibo Xiao   |   Liyuan Ma   |   Qiaochu Wang   |   Sanchutha Choomsai na ayuthaya Tutors: Daniel Widrig   |   Soomeen Hahm   |   Igor Pantic   |   Stefan Bassing The Bartlett School of Architecture   |   UCL   Type: Design Research,2
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RC6 CONEcrete
RC6 CONEcrete
The Cone Dress
The Cone Dress
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CONEcrete | Futuristic Architectural Design Exploration
CONEcrete | Futuristic Architectural Design ExplorationInspired by the research of self-organisational system by Michael Weinstock and various artwork by Nick van Woert, the CONEcrete project focuses on the digital form- nding process based on the L-system outcomes and agent-based Recursive Growth system, by setting sail from material properties and behaviours of alu- minium mesh cone and reinforced concrete. Initially, this project started with one of the simplest geometries : cone, which can be stacked up into linear or spiral patterns and grow or branch out in to any directions and be continued at any nodes. Based on these features, we studied and researched about the L-system to generate various guide curves and then prototypes and design objects in multiple software platforms to mimic the natural growth logic of plants. Simultaneously, with the increasing complexity of cone aggregation, the reinforced concrete came out as a proper way to harden the form and give it architectural possibility and fea- sibility. What’s more, we developed the agent-based system called CONEcrete with three hierarchies: Agent, Segment, Guided aggregation, as a potential solution for the larger scale of aggregation. The combination of these may sparkle a more lightweight, exible and continuously growing space potential, and hopefully, with the assistance of agent-based CONEcrete design system, it is promising to design complex forms more e ciently and accordingly fabricate them in a faster and more straightforward way in the futuristic architecture world. 
  Team Members: Haibo Xiao   |   Liyuan Ma   |   Qiaochu Wang   |   Sanchutha Choomsai na ayuthaya Tutors: Daniel Widrig   |   Soomeen Hahm   |   Igor Pantic   |   Stefan Bassing The Bartlett School of Architecture   |   UCL   Type: Design Research,2
Team Members: Haibo Xiao | Liyuan Ma | Qiaochu Wang | Sanchutha Choomsai na ayuthaya Tutors: Daniel Widrig | Soomeen Hahm | Igor Pantic | Stefan BassingThe Bartlett School of Architecture | UCLType: Design Research,2015-2016
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segment chair 3.6.png
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corridor-Camera 1.77.png
RC6 CONEcrete
The Cone Dress
The Cone DressWhen browsing fashion magazines, I was sometimes bored of the similar and boring dress in vogus, they are safe choices but also tedious, So, in a lazy af- ternoon, I had an exciting thought: since I am an architect, why can’t I design a cone dress based on the Cone Research that I have done? Without a second thought, I used the design languages from the CONEcrete project and combined them according to a female body model. It all started from a simple cone, but with its in nite growing possibilities, this Cone Dress can actually achieve an in nitely changing form, by stacking cones in di erent positions. After nishing the fashion design work, I do nd that there are certain similarities between fashion design and architectural design. Both of them are the combi- nation of color, material, human scale, rhythm, contrast and proportion. This is amazing. 
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